

Join us at 8:30 a.m. Monday - Friday to pray the Holy Rosary before daily Mass.  Other prayers, litanies, or chaplets specific to the day or current events or petitions are often included afterwards.  The Rosary is recited at 8:15 a.m. on Sundays.  Our specific Friday rosary intention is for our loved ones who have fallen away from practicing the faith.  We pray for their speedy return home. 

Join us for 15 minutes after Mass on Fridays to pray special prayers for the return of all Catholics to the faith, as well as a prayer for priests and our country.  


St. Joseph Monthly Prayer Book Supplement 

Our parish has a monthly prayer booklet containing prayers, litanies, chaplets and information specific to holidays and saints whose feast days occur during the month.  Use these booklets to pray a specific prayer to the saint on his/her feast day.  Booklets may also contain a brief biography of the saint or a quote or two.  Booklets contain interesting historical information about events in Church history and the lives of the saints. Copies are available in the back of the church, just make sure you return them to the basket at the back of the church before you leave so they are available for the faithful tomorrow. 


Links to Prayers on Other Sites

St. Joseph Novena https://www.praymorenovenas.com/st-joseph-novena

Litany of St. Joseph http://www.usccb.org/prayers/litany-saint-joseph

Indulgenges Explained http.www.catholic.org/prayers/indulgc.php